I first started this blog way back in 2002 and, since then, this is only the third time I've changed the overall look and feel of the site. But, conceptually, I felt that it was time to get a bird's eye view on the so-called "blazing world", which, ultimately, is what this blog is all about. Clearly, what we call the real world intrudes quite a bit, because it influences what we create, but I want to refocus on the things that matter most to me: art, culture, soul, and the creative things we all love.
With that in mind, take a look at http://macroscope.blogspot.com. It's a lot less anonymous, and features much more of my own original work, especially my ebook short stories. It also integrates a lot more with all of the nifty social networking stuff. So, if you read a post you like, click the Facebook or Twitter or Google+ buttons near the top and share with your buds.
Oh, and I got rid of all the ads, too. I think the Goldline banners were the last straw. :-) Sorry, AdSense.
I want to thank you all for continuing to read. I think this is going to be a much more fun place.