June 11, 2003

Ghosts of Impeachments Past
A guy who's no stranger to Presidential malfeasance, former Nixon staffer John Dean suggests that, if Clinton can get impeached for lying about some illicit fellatio, and Tricky Dick can nearly get impeached for lying about election tampering, then maybe, just maybe, lying to justify invading and conquering a sovereign nation might be worth a look.

The problem with this, of course, is that none of Bush's statements were made under oath. And lying to the American people, while bad, probably isn't illegal, strictly speaking. If, on the other hand, someone could demonstrate that there was some sort of illicit link between the corporations that got free contracts in Iraq and Bush's drive to war, then we might be on to something.

Like Father, Like Son
In what has to be a first in modern American history, President Bush has managed to steer the economy into the highest rate of unemployment since his father was in office, pretty much erasing all the jobs that Bill Clinton helped to create during the intervening decade.

Way to go, W.

Hans Blix curses the Pentagon for sullying his good name in the march to war. You tell 'em, Sweden!

The national censorship board in Egypt has banned The Matrix Reloaded for fear that it's quasi-religious explorations into the nature of creation, existance, and free will may, in their words, "cause a crisis" in the public. They apparently don't seem to realize that the people who may have their fragile grip on reality shattered by the Wachowski's flick will only see this act of censorship as control put in place by malevolent sentient programs designed to keep the populace docile while leaching off their bioelectric energy. Some people.